Sunday, May 3, 2009

Essay on Superpowers

Essay on Superpowers Stephanie Pippins

Each and every one of us comes into the world with unique characteristics, and as we go through life we develop certain strengths and skills that set us apart from each other. However, there are limitations to what those strengths can be, and try as we might, we are bound by certain limits. But what would it be like if we could have one superpower that would set us apart from everyone else in the world? For me, that one superpower would be the ability to listen and tune into the world of men. I would love to know what they are really thinking and why.
I would use my superpower to help women everywhere with their relationships. If I could find out what drives men, their motivations and desires, the world for all of us women would be much easier. I would listen, make notes, and most likely publish my findings so that all women could have access to my insight. I could make this a profession in many ways. One example would be by becoming a personal shopper, to assist women in finding the perfect gift for any occasion for the men in their lives. Another profession could be as a private detective, to find out if a man is having an affair, or to discover their true feelings for their partner.
There would be a few conditions I would like to have with my power. One would be to be able to turn it on and off. Although being able to read men’s minds would be really cool, if I had to listen to their thoughts all the time, I think I would go crazy. I also might want to be able to turn it off when it comes to those close to me, as I might not want to always know what they are thinking. Sometimes it might be nice to be surprised. Another would be to be able to focus on one person’s thoughts at a time, otherwise I might get mixed messages and not be able to understand any at all. If I could hear the thoughts of the men of the world, I would be famous for helping all the women who need to better understand the opposite sex. Hopefully, relationships would improve around the world, staying stronger and lasting longer. Everyone always dreams of whether or not super natural powers really exist. If you could have one power that would help the world, what would yours be?
DevianArt image.

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